Eemanna Rivers

Fellow / Los Angeles, CA

As the current office Fellow, Eemanna began her journey of learning about and systems of injustice early. Eemanna began her career in community organizing as a youth, as an active community member and student organizer advocating for ethnic studies and social justice studies in schools. Eemanna is also a song writer and poet, using these art forms as tools for transformation and a vehicle for messages pertaining to justice.
Guided by a belief in unity and service to others, she has worked as an educator, mutual aid coordinator and restorative justice practitioner, peace circle facilitator for diverse communities including formerly incarcerated individuals, students and other marginalized identities heal together and connect with a sense of community. As a fellow, Eemanna hopes to expand her understanding of the various discourse areas, get more familiar with collaborating across disciplines to create richer understanding, and to learn about issues and solutions communities across the world and nation face in this day and age.

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